Representational Research at the University of Virginia School of Architecture


The following definitions explore Grasshopper’s powerful computational ability to optimize the architectural relationship between constructed structures and the structure of inhabited space.

 dripps, phinney, parametric, grasshopper, structure  dripps, phinney, parametric, grasshopper, structure, uva dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure
 dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure  dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure

dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure

 dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure  dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure

dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure

 dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure

dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure

dripps, phinney, grasshopper, parametrics, architecture, uva, structure
grasshopper3d, grasshopper, parametrics  dripps, phinney, uva, university of virginia  school of architecture, architecture, structure